Harold L. LeClaire
American Legion Post 10 (CR)
Meets 1st Thursday of the month, Arenas Bar & Restaurant, Avienda 30, Escazu Central 12:30 pm
NEW NOTICES BELOW (March 5, 2024)
Our next meeting will meet 1st Thursday of March, Arenas Bar & Restaurant, Avienda 30, Escazu Central 12:30 pm. ALL U.S. veterans and NATO veterans are invited to attend. Come and meet other veterans. Many have a wealth or knowledge about Costa Rica and veteran programs.

On the morning of June 29, Ron had a motorcycle accident at the age of 85 and died. He left the family and friends in shock and deep sadness. He will always be remembered and missed by all the people that had the joy of knowing Ron.
Chuck Turner, Commander of the American Legion Post 10, who knew Ron Durham better than anyone sent me this biography of this great man.
Ron was a very loving and generous person. He is a True USA Patriot and has held officer positions in the military organizations such as Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion Post 10 Escazu. Every morning at 5:30 am he goes to the Punta Uva beach and picks up trash and put the trash in the trash barrels that he also supplied. This has been going on for more than 20 years. His birthday parties brought in about 75 to 95 people. He supplies 30 cases of beer for his guest plus snacks. Thanks giving dinners include his American pals which attracts about 30 guests. Yes- more beer is provided. I would go so far as to say—Ron Durham as the most respected and appreciated guy in the area. His heart and laughter out did us all.
Background on Ron Durham from Chuck Turner:
Ron Durham was born in Los Angeles, CA in 1935 and grew up in Paso Robles, L A, California. He graduated from Burbank High School in 1953. . During his high school summers he looked for work at the local fire station. He had a hobby in learning carpentry. After H S he joined the U S Army at the age of 18. He requested an overseas assignment. He was sent to Germany where he spent approx. 3 years. While in Germany he worked laying communication cable. He bought a motorcycle and began to race motorcycles as well. Once he was discharged-honorably-from the Army in 1957 he joined the L A fire department where he spent 27 years before retirement. He married a California girl and they had one boy and three girls. After many years of marriage he divorced from his wife and pursued his career of carpentry. Next he bought, repaired and sold old houses in California and Seattle, Washington. He joined parachute jumping clubs and actually made hundreds of wild and crazy jumps. The stories are many, funny and interesting. He traveled to Costa Rica and visited many of the beach towns in Guanacaste, Puntarenas, Osa Peninsula, Limon and south. He fell in love with Punta Uva, bought a large home site and several years later moved to Punta Uva and build his two story wooden home before the area had water and electricity. After several years living in Punta Uva he met a pretty local girl who had a young and also very pretty young daughter. The mother of the daughter went on to become a university certified school teacher and still teaches school and has been school principal and school administer at several locations in the Puerto Viejo area. His brown eyed lovely daughter grew up and attended advanced school studies in San Jose. She later, at the Punta Uva beach, met Dan, a sound engineer from L A. and got married and now lives in L A with their two children (Ron’s grandchildren).
May God bless him.
Letter from the Post Commander
Members of American Legion Post CR10
As many of you know, we are going through this Corona Virus tragedy. At the same time I am in the process of returning to the United States. There are several items that I would like to address
We still need people to step up to the officer positions. If you want the Post to continue, it must have officers to run the organization. I am hoping that some of you will realize the importance of the Post, want it to survive and will step up to the plate. In the interim, Chuck Turner has said that he will be the Interim Commander until someone steps up. He was the Commander for 10 or 12 years in the past and I think that he has done his part.
Until further notice, we will be suspending the meetings until this Virus is gone because as you know we are some of the most vulnerable people (those of us that are up in years). Chuck Turner or whoever becomes the Commander will notify everyone when the new meeting will start again. We are still deciding whether we will do ballots in person or electronically. The problem is that many of our members do not have computers. We will keep you advised.
Finally, I wish to thank all of you for your cooperation and assistance over the last few years as I tried to be the best Commander I could be. As you know I have really enjoyed all the members and consider it a real honor to be your Commander. I will treasure all of the friendships and memories I have had with the Post. Each and every one of you has contributed to the success of the Post. We, as a unit have accomplished a lot of good. We helped the widows, helped to take food and books to the Cabecar people, performed at the burial ceremonies for our deceased veterans and worked with the Marine Corps League to perform the various ceremonies. All of you should be proud of what we have done and I hope you will keep up the good work in the future. I want to especially thank the officers who without their efforts I could never have performed my duties.
I hope you will all stay in contact with me in the future. I hope that you all stay safe and none of you get the despicable virus we all dread.
Pat Kilburn
Commander, Post CR10
February 12, 2020 Meeting
This month we had our meeting at the Tap House, Escazu Village, Escazu on February 12, 2020. Several things were discussed including a new meeeting place since the Tap House is moving. The need to have all members obtain and fillout the Personal Affair Workbook. With the Commander leaving on May 1st, we took nominations for the positions of Commander, Service Officer and 1st Vice Commander. Pat Kilburn, the Commander. advised the post that if these positions are not filled upon his departure that will be the end of Post 10. If any member would life to nominate someone for the officers positions the can send it to commander@alcr10.org.
January 8, 2020 Meeting
This month American Legion met at Tap House, Escazu Village, Escazu. For some people the trip to the new location was harder and others easier. We will stay at this location for several months and see how it is. We all felt the food was much better. We discussed several items including the departure of the Commander and the need to fill several of the officer positions. The nominations are due at the February 12, 2020 meeting and the elections will take place at the March 11, 2020 meeting.
November 13, 2019 Meeting
American Legion Past CR10 had our monthly meeting on Nov. 13,2019 at Casa de Espana. We had a pretty good group attend. We discussed moving our meetings to The Tap House in Escazu starting on Jan 8, 2020. Additionally, we discussed the trip to the Cabecar people at the end of this monthly. Dues need to be paid because our bank account is very low. We are trying to update our members phone numbers, email addresses and mailing addresses.
Veterans Day/Remembrance Day Event
The 2019 Veterans Day/ Remebrance Day Event was held at Escazu Christian Fellowship (ECF) Sanctuary located in the International Baptist Church of Costa Rica Building. It was presided over by Pastor Don Ridder of ECF. During the service, 4 Ambassadors gave presentations along with Pat Kilburn, Commander American Legion Costa Rica, who conducted the Missing Man Presentation. Additionally, Andy Pusic, Commandant, Marine Corps League of Costa Rica presented, along with the U.S. Ambassador Sharon Day, Vietnam Era Pins and Wives Pins to those present who had not received the pins the previous time.
October 9, 2019 Meeting
We had a great meeting on October 9th. We discussed many topics which included information Matt and Pat received from the U.S. Embassy. The Embassy personnel told as about U.S. Passports and what to do if they are lost and what to do with the passport if the person dies. We also changed our elections from 2 years instead of every year. We put out the Confidential OIJ reporting telephone number. There is a new Costa Rica security information website at TravelsafeCR. Finally discussed the Marine Corps Ball and the Veterans Day Event. We will be issuing pins to not only Vietnam Veteran Era pins but also to the wives during the Veterans Day event.
September 2019 Monthly Meeting
Our monthly meeting was held at Casa de Espana on September 11, 2019. We discussed the events that happened on Sept 11, 2001 and the meaning of Patriot Day. We had a great attendance with 2 new members. We discussed the Veterans Day Event which will be coming up in November. The importance of completing the Personal Affairs Workbook was discussed.
July 2019 monthly meeting
We had our monthly meeting at Casa de Espana on July 10, 2019 1200noon. We discussed our participation in the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Parque Nacional and the Independence Day Event at Avenida Escazu. We need to have everyone’s address so that we can send people in their respective areas to local veteran funerals. Again we stated the importance of the veterans to have their personal information available to their spouses in the event of their death. Mel Goldberg made a presentation on Hospital Metropolitano, we had speakers from CIMA Hospital talk about their increased effort to help veterans. Finally, Terry Wise’s daughter, Priscilla Klotz, has made the finalists for the Mrs Costa Rica pageant. She is collecting money for tickets to the event, 25 mil colones per ticket which will be held on October 8th. If you would like tickets, contact Pat Kilburn 4034-0788 or Terry Wise 8893-4021.
July 4th 2019 Celebration
July 4, 2019 the American Legion Post 10 and the Marine Corps League participated in the 4th of July Independence Day celebration. The festivities were directed by the American Colony and included the veterans, the U.S Air Force Jazz Band “Airmen of Note”, a Costa Rican Square Dance Group, a Costa Rican Band, a vintage car parade and fireworks.
July 4, 2019 the American Legion Post 10 and the Marine Corps League participated in the 4th of July Independence Day celebration. The festivities were directed by the American Colony and included the veterans, the U.S Air Force Jazz Band “Airmen of Note”, a Costa Rican Square Dance Group, a Costa Rican Band, a vintage car parade and fireworks.
Department Of Mexico Meeting in San Jose
The Department of Mexico (who we report to) had their annual meeting here in Costa Rica. We were honored to be serving as the host. The meeting was on Jun 18, 2019 at Mariqueria Mariscos Vivo in Sabana Norte, San Jose. The Department Commander and Adjutant along with other officers attended. Post 10 had a good representation. The meeting was very productive and many issues were discussed including recruitment.
Memorial Day Observance 2019
The Memorial Day Observance was a joint effort of the American Legion Post 10 and the Marine Corps League Costa Rica. The Event was held at 11am on May 27, 2019 at the Campo de Esperanza, San Antonio de Escazu, San Jose, Costa Rica. There were approximately 50 people that attended including the U.S. Embassy Marine Detachment, American Legion members, Marine Corps League Members, Two dignitaries from the Embassy, Marine Corps League Chaplain, relatives of the departed veterans and guests. The primary speakers were Jerry Kahl (Adjutant Marine Corps League and MC of the Event), Pat Kilburn (Commander, American Legion Post 10), Andy Pusic (Commandant, Marine Corps League) and Gloria Berbena (the U.S. Embassy Costa Rica Deputy Chief of Missions). The Marine Corps Detachment from the Embassy presented the colors and the scarlet Rose ceremony was conducted to honor those departed veterans by members of the American Legion and Marine Corps League.
Our monthly meeting was on May 8, 2019 at Casa de Espana. We discussed painting of the American Legion crypts located at San Antonio de Escazu cemetary. The painting will be completed for our Memorial Day ceremony on May 27th at 11AM. We discussed our Facebook Page and this webpage and our QR code. A reminder that the dues need to be collected an July 1st for the upcoming year. Finally Martha Rollins presented her observation while she was recently in Venezuela. Members had many comments following the presentation.
Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin Ceremony and Meeting
Our meeting on April 10, 2019 at Casa de Espana was a very special meeting. The first part of our meeting the presentation of Lapel Pin from the United States Vietnam War Commemoration Commission. We are a partner of this organization. Several news agencies were invited along with all Vietnam Era veterans living in Costa Rica. We invited Ambassador Sharon Day to present the Lapel Pins but unfortunately something came up and she sent her apology. Gloria Berbena, Deputy Chief of Mission, the second highest ranking person at the U.S. Embassy, presented the lapel pin. There were 47 people attending the event and 20 pins were given out. Both Pat Kilburn, American Legion Commander, and Gloria Berbena gave comments about what the Vietnam era veterans went through and honoring all that served during this time. Following the lapel pin ceremony, we had a short meeting and then Lunch. Next meeting will be May 8th 12 noon Casa de Espana.
Meeting March 6, 2019
Our meeting was held at Casa de Espana, Sabana Norte, San Jose on March 6, 2019 12 noon. Topics that were discussed included the change in meeting day to the SECOND Wednesday of the month andtalk about how great was the Valentine’s Day Event ,the upcoming presentation of the Vietnam War Commemoration pins , upcoming Memorial Day, facebook and website postings,the need for a service officer and an effort to contact inactive members. We also need to find the cities everyone is in so that when a veteran dies we can have members attend the funeral
We had our Valentine’s Day Event at Marisquería Marisco Vivo; Avenida 5 & Calle 40 in Sabana Norte. It on February 15, 2019 at 1pm. We had our Legion members, their wives or significant other and Auxiliary. It lasted more than 2 hours and every one enjoyed themselves.
We are honored to have Dean LeClaire and Harold LeClaire as members of the Squadron. They are the son and grandson of Harold L. LeClaire, the WWI Veteran after whom Post 10 was named. Harold LeClaire is the President of the Squadron.

On October 24, 2018 we had our annual awards ceremony. We presented awards to both American Legion Post 10 members but other people and organizations that have helped the Post with our many missions.
The burial ceremony for American Legion member, Norman Siegel was performed at the Santa Ana Jewish Cemetery on August 14th. There were 10 veterans in attendance.